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Baking Buckeyes For Necklaces

Buckeye Necklace: A Guide to Creating a Unique and Meaningful Piece


Buckeye necklaces, with their distinctive brown and cream coloration, have become a symbol of Ohio pride and good luck. While these necklaces can be purchased in stores, creating your own offers a personalized and budget-friendly alternative. This guide will provide step-by-step instructions on how to make a buckeye necklace from scratch.

Step 1: Gathering Materials

To make a buckeye necklace, you will need the following materials:

  • Buckeye nuts
  • Drill
  • Drill bit (size depends on the desired bead size)
  • Sandpaper (fine and medium grit)
  • Sealer or varnish
  • Jewelry cord or chain
  • Jewelry clasp

Step 2: Preparing the Buckeyes

Before drilling the buckeyes, it's essential to dry them thoroughly. This can be done by placing them in a warm, dry place for five to seven days. Drying prevents the nuts from rotting and preserves their shape.

Once the buckeyes are dried, remove the thick, spiny hulls by gently prying them off with a knife or pliers. Be careful not to damage the nut itself.

Step 3: Drilling the Buckeyes

Securely hold the buckeye nut with a pair of pliers or a vise. Using a drill with the appropriate drill bit size, carefully drill a hole through the center of the nut. Drill the hole deep enough to accommodate the jewelry cord or chain.

Step 4: Sanding the Buckeyes

Once the holes are drilled, use fine-grit sandpaper to smooth the surface of the buckeyes. Remove any sharp edges or splinters. For a polished finish, use medium-grit sandpaper to create a slight sheen.

Step 5: Sealing the Buckeyes

To protect the buckeyes from moisture and dirt, apply a sealer or varnish. Use a brush or a spray bottle to cover the entire surface of the nut, including the drilled hole. Allow the sealant to dry completely.

Step 6: Assembling the Necklace

Thread the jewelry cord or chain through the drilled hole in the buckeye. Tie the ends of the cord or chain together to create a loop. Slide a jewelry clasp onto the loop and close it securely.

Step 7: Customization

Buckeye necklaces can be customized to suit your unique style. Add beads, charms, or tassels to the necklace for a more elaborate look. Alternatively, create different necklaces using buckeyes of various sizes or shapes.


Making your own buckeye necklace is a fun and rewarding experience. With care and attention to detail, you can create a beautiful and meaningful piece that will be treasured for years to come. Whether you wear it yourself or gift it to a loved one, a buckeye necklace is sure to bring a touch of Ohio pride and good fortune wherever it goes.

Additional Tips

  • Use a drill press for greater precision when drilling the holes.
  • Wear gloves to protect your hands from the sharp spines on the buckeye hulls.
  • Experiment with different sealing techniques to achieve the desired level of protection and shine.
  • If the drilled hole is too large for the jewelry cord or chain, you can use a bead stopper to secure the bead to the cord.
  • Consider using waxed jewelry cord for added durability and resistance to fraying.
